Gummy Smile: Don’t be shy; we can Fix it

Gummy smiles

Smiles can be effortlessly worn in our everyday lives. Still, it is essential in photos, whether during graduation pictorials, holidays, special occasions, or photoshoots, smiles make a simple image vibrant. However, when that one thing you can effortlessly wear makes you feel insecure about yourself, it is disheartening. Are those gummy smiles preventing you from unleashing the beauty in you? Fret not because gummy smile treatment is the answer you are looking for!

What is a gummy smile?

Many beauty blogs claim that there is no definite meaning for gummy smiles because gummy smiles can be defined through the different perceptions of people. According to some sources, teeth that are two millimeters or less of the gum are exposed are considered as an attractive smile. When three millimeters or more of the gums are exposed, it is regarded as a gummy smile. Experts say that cases like these are more familiar to women rather than men.

No standards exist saying that having a gummy smile is not attractive. However, we understand when you profess that having a gummy smile makes you insecure. Many people see gummy smiles as cute ones, but some want it out of their mouths. But before we enumerate the possible cures for gummy smiles, let us first dive into detail on what it looks like.

What do gummy teeth look like?

Just like what is mentioned above, there is no specific description of what a gummy smile is. It depends on how certain teeth are seen. The factors that point out and say that you have gummy teeth are probably because of: 1) the shape and height of your teeth, 2) the movement of your lips when you smile, and 3). your jaw angle is different from the rest of your face.

Here we can reiterate that three to four millimeters of gum exposure are called having a gummy smile. So what causes these disproportions?

What causes a gummy smile?

According to several health blogs, there are specific causes for gummy smiles. Specifically, these are the following:

Having a gummy smile is when your teeth look short because they improperly erupted and are partially covered by gum tissue.
Your teeth appear smaller than your gums because of genetics or wear.
Your upper lip is abridged.
Your upper lip appears normal when your face is resting, but it stretches too much when you smile due to too much gum tissue.
Your gums are enlarged (gingival hypertrophy)
You have a condition called vertical maxillary excess, an overgrowth of the upper jaw that makes your jaw bulge out.
You take medications that prevent seizures or treat high blood pressure. This causes overgrowth of gums or a condition called gingival hyperplasia.

The appearances of your lips, gums, and teeth dictate what your smile looks like. You cannot control what all of these features look like, and most of the time, gummy smile cases depend on your genetics, so there is no possible way to prevent it. However, there are ways to cure/alter it.

What can be the cure for a gummy smile?

There can be several treatments for gummy smiles, such as oral surgery, lip repositioning surgery, orthognathic surgery, temporary anchorage devices, hyaluronic acid, and botox. To better understand these procedures, let us further discuss them.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is recommended if too many gums cover the surface of your teeth. This is also called gum contouring which removes extra gum tissue. The procedure may require an anesthetic and could cause bleeding after it is reshaped. You might also need to come back for another session.

Lip repositioning surgery

If your lips are the culprit for your gummy smile, then you could suggest this procedure. Your lip is repositioned by removing a proportion of connective tissue from your upper lip. Doing this will prevent your lips from lifting too high above your teeth. The procedure may take 45 minutes to an hour with local anesthesia. You may take antibiotics and medication after and recover after a week.

Orthognathic surgery

In this method, your jaw is the main culprit for the gummy smile. When it is determined that the jaw is the main factor, it could be crucial as you have to consult your orthodontist and maxillofacial surgeon. In some cases, you have to wear braces or other orthodontic devices to make sure your mouth is well-aligned. Since this is a taxing procedure, you will be asleep during the surgery and stay in the hospital for 2-4 days to monitor the results. The process of healing is also invasive as it takes six to twelve weeks.

Temporary anchorage devices

Temporary anchorage devices prevent you from surgeries because you can ask your dentist to implant TAD to you to help pull your teeth into a position that will prevent you from having gummy smiles.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid fillers temporarily remove gummy smiles. These filters restrict the movement of muscle fibers on your lips that could last up to eight months. However, taking this surgery might cause your blood supply to be damaged, leading to tissue loss, blindness and stroke.


Botox is the best gummy smile saver; if your primary problem is moving your lips, too much of your gum line is shown. According to a 2016 study, 23 women with gummy smiles opt for a Botox injection to stop the elevator muscles in their lips. Two weeks later, 99.6 percent of the women saw an improvement in their smiles. Botox injections are less expensive; however, you have to maintain injections every 3-4 months. You can risk your precious smile to a distorted one if your professional is not careful enough.

With all of these being said, it is clear that your dentist has the power to suggest the most suitable treatment for you. However, if you are looking for the most effective one, trying botox will not cause harm. We understand that you do not want your smile to be distorted; that is why in Isla Aesthetics, the highest quality of medical injectables, along with the most professional estheticians, are offered.

Several spaces in the world are existent to be filled with your joyous smile. But it can never be too buoyant if you are insecure about it. That is why, if you feel like starting your gummy smile treatment journey, contact the best-med spa in town and start booking. Please do not be shy; we can fix it!


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