PDO Smooth Threads

Starting at $350

Isla Aesthetics offers PDO Smooth Threads, a versatile service that can be used in many areas of the face as a substitute for — or complement to — dermal fillers, wrinkle relaxers, and surgical procedures.
pdo smooth threads in rio rancho nm

why PDO Smooth Threads?

The PDO (polydioxanone) threads are inserted under the skin to tighten, lift, and smooth the treatment area. PDO threads can be used for many purposes, from facial lines and folds to reversing crepey skin, to creating a facelift effect (without the invasiveness of the typical procedure).

The Benefits

About the procedure

The PDO Smooth thread procedure is performed by inserting the threads, which are made of protein and extremely thin (think thinner than a single strand of hair), and guiding them through the treatment area with a needle and cannula. The process takes less than 45 minutes and you may experience pinching or pulling sensations.

Results can be seen after several weeks as the threads work to stimulate new collagen, elastin, and fibrin in your skin. The threads are absorbed by your body in 4 to 6 months, at which time you can get follow-up treatment.

PDO Smooth Thread Treatment Areas

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