What Are PDO Smooth Threads? What All Are They Worth?


A surgery known as a thread lift is one in which a dissolvable suture is used to tighten and raise the skin on your face. It is typically completed in less than forty-five minutes and does not require the patient to be cut by a scalpel. Therefore it is considered a less invasive alternative to facelift surgery.

PDO smooth thread lifts make use of a sustainable polyester suture. PDO stands for polydioxanone. They are more effective for revitalizing your skin, in contrast to other more recent varieties of thread lifts, which are more effective for raising drooping skin.

Let’s take a look at what distinguishes a PDO smooth thread lift from other types of thread lifts, as well as what you may anticipate happening throughout the procedure itself.

What are PDO Smooth Threads?

PDO smooth threads are one of the three types of sutures that are typically utilized in the process of thread lifting. Polylactic acid (also known as PLA) and polycaprolactone are the components used to make the other two varieties.

The PDO thread has been around for the longest of them and has been utilized in surgical procedures since the 1980s. They are fabricated from a colorless polyester that decomposes after approximately six months of being inside your body.

The placement of these threads in your skin causes a kind of cell in your body known as fibroblasts to manufacture an increased amount of collagen. The structure and flexibility of your skin are both the result of the protein known as collagen. The breakdown of collagen is one of the primary factors that contribute to the aging of the skin.

What Sets Pdo Smooth Threads Apart

Because PDO smooth threads do not have barbs, they can easily glide beneath the skin in treatment regions without causing any discomfort. This makes the insertion process virtually painless. When treating a specific location, experts typically advise patients to come in once every two to four weeks for a total of three to five treatment sessions.   

A patient who has a deep fissure in between their brows that will be improved with Botox but will likely not completely fade away is a perfect candidate for PDO Smooth threads. 

PDO smooth threads are extremely adaptable and work exceptionally well in a variety of face locations. This technique can also be used in place of other surgical procedures, such as Botox or dermal fillers, or it can enhance those processes. 

Sutures made of biodegradable polyester are used to sew the PDO threads into place under the patient’s skin. If you are someone who experiences folds, wrinkly skin, and fine lines on the face, then you have found the greatest potential treatment for your condition.

Acne scarring can be reduced with PDO Smooth Threads, which also help to tighten the skin. This approach can also revive and rejuvenate the skin, enhance the structure of the skin, and promote neo collagenases for the development of deeply rooted, long-term collagen.

PDO Smooth Threads are quite adaptable and can be used in a wide variety of bodily regions, as was just explained. The brows, the neck, the jaw, the jowls, the nasolabial folds, the cheeks, the under eyes, the mouth region folds, and the marionette lines are the areas that the experts recommend using it on the most. 

Because the outcomes may not be as dramatic as desired, some medical centers may recommend supplementing the treatment with additional procedures like dermal fillers. However, this is still dependent on the abilities and dexterity of the person providing the service to you.

What is the price tag attached to PDO Smooth Threads?

The cost of PDO Smooth Threads will vary depending on your demographics, the amount of your surgery, and the level of knowledge and training your service provider possesses. There are several clinics that charge between $150 and $500 for each thread. Naturally, additional fees are charged for specialized services. Your health insurance plan does not cover aesthetic services such as the PDO Smooth Threads.

On the other hand, some clinics provide discounts and special programs from which patients can pick. Remember that you should negotiate rates with your provider to assess whether it is within your financial means. Your supplier may almost always provide you with an alternative that is less expensive but of the same high quality.

The PDO Smooth Thread Outcomes

Since the threads are still stimulating the production of new collagen, elastin, and fibrin in your skin after a few weeks have passed, you will be able to see the outcomes of your treatment. Within four to six months, your body will have absorbed these threads. Following this, you will be able to get any follow-up procedures that your physician feels are necessary for light of your current health status and desired outcomes.

PDO thread outcomes began to deteriorate after six months of therapy, according to specialists who demonstrated their findings in a study published in 2019, and there were no changes after a year of treatment. However, according to the findings of another study, younger people have a greater propensity to retain their results for about three to four years. On the other hand, treatment of this kind can be maintained for one to two years in older clients with poor skin quality.

Is it worthwhile to pay for PDO Smooth Thread?

According to the findings of extensive research and the testimonials of many individuals, PDO Smooth Thread is unquestionably deserving of a shot! However, it is imperative to consider the state of one’s health before putting it at risk. The fact that it is beneficial while remaining within one’s financial means makes it comparable to a valuable hidden treasure. When using PDO Smooth Threads, your peace of mind is ensured. Having said that, the quality and regulations are still under the control of the supplier that you choose.

Do you also require assistance with this matter? Stop bothering yourself with unnecessary thoughts because we’ve got the solution for you! Isla Aesthetics provides its clients with a med-spa experience that is both cutting edge and luxurious.


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